Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Is Balance An Indicator of Ankle Sprains?

Is how you balance an indication of how likely athletes are to experience an ankle sprain? New research from the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports believes it does.
Researchers looked at the balance of 125 university students who exercised at least twice a month and had not sustained an ankle sprain in the past month. They followed the students for the year and compared the beginning scores of those who sprained their ankles and those who did not.
What researchers found was that those who had higher scores on the balance test, which evaluated ankle stability, strength, flexibility, and proprioception, were less likely to sprain their ankles.
Those who had a history of ankle sprains was the strongest predictor of injury. Students who had sprained their ankles in the months previous to the study were twice as likely to sprain their ankles in the future.
Good balance is essential in any type of athletic exercise you get involved in, as well as having a strong base for your body. Try the exercises on the left to strengthen your ankles.
Reference: Runner's World
If you are an athlete with a foot or ankle problem, call our Rocky Hill or Middletown office to make an appointment.
Jeffrey S. Kahn, DPM
Connecticut Foot Care Centers
Sports Medicine Podiatrist in CT
Podiatrist in Rocky Hill and Middletown, CT
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